Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is there any sort of wildlife/pet outside that i could keep as a pet?

im looking for some sort of pet that i clould find outside in a field/garden ect.Is there any sort of wildlife/pet outside that i could keep as a pet?
Wild animals are best kept that way.

Many species are protected by law, wild populations are in decline everywhere, from frogs, newts, reptiles,mammals and birds. To many species have been decimated due to the wild life trade, for the pet markets

But may be you could put a trap out that captures live small mammals, like mice, you can buy them from hardware stores.

Make sure it is secure, you do not want it escaping into your house.

If you do by the way decide on capturing something bear in mind the time of year, please please avoid spring and the summer, most animals may be breeding at this time, last thing you want you want to-do is say capture a animal if it has young somewhere, you could put the whole of its family at risk !

But why bother when you can by small mammals like mice that are captive bred.Is there any sort of wildlife/pet outside that i could keep as a pet?
Don't keep any mammals as pretty much all wild ones carry some kind of disease or parasite. Also, it is illegal to keep any animal from the wild unless you are a certified wildlife rehaber. However, if you really wanted a pet you could find a salamander or frog. They are not endangered and will not cause you injury like a bird, rabbit, fox, or snake could.
You'd have a hard time keeping a wild animal as a proper pet for the sole reason of it being wild! If you're lucky enough to have a wild hedgehog living near you, you could put specific food out for it. Or if your garden is secure you may be able to 'rescue' a hedgehog that's been taken out of its original environment for safety reasons. To do this you need to contact your local wildlife rescue centre and enquire.

If you're just looking for a pet which lives outside, how about a tortoise? Or a rabbit? With either of these I'd definitely recommend reading up about the animal first to see whether it suits you and the environment you live in.
Put up a bird feeder with seeds and peanuts. It will attract all kinds of birds and squirrels for you to watch.

It's very important to leave wild life at a distance.



Wildlife carries parasites and germs that are life threatening to humans.

Also, when wild animals start relying on handouts from humans, they forget how to forage for themselves. This leads to nuisance behavior like garbage raiding, and mauling house pets. BAD NEWS!

Keep your distance from wildlife!
Do not - I repeat DO NOT take ANY reptiles from the wild to keep as 'pets' !

EVERY reptile native to the UK is now a PROTECTED species - and you can get into SERIOUS trouble if you're caught taking them from the wild !
I kept walking sticks all summer then let them go in fall.

Preying mantis too. They were very cool.

And I raised catepillars till they did the crysalis, counted the days they were in the shell then released them when they hatched.
a garden snake, a mouse, a babby bird, a lizard, praying mantice, cattipillar, rat.....
i am from tennesse and alot of people will keep racoons for pets. they are really nice pets. and rats they are better to keep care of then hampsters
Mosquitos, always stay on your hand as long as you give your blood never ask for any food.
depending on where you live u should have pets that are supposed to live with humans, its pretty crule and needs ALOT of work

Hedgehog ''I got one from my back yard'' , a snake, etc...
Homeless people.
garden snake?
lady bird


stick insect!
lady brid


pet rock







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