Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Under Kentucky State law is it required for the Fish and Wildlife Department tp clearly mark their boundarys?

Sorry, i ran out of room so i had to miss spell boundaries. I need to know this to help in a legal matter and i have searched the states laws and statutes over on the website, and i am yet to find anything that would help. But anyway, thanks in advanced for your help!

later ~ nickUnder Kentucky State law is it required for the Fish and Wildlife Department tp clearly mark their boundarys?
To the best of my knowledge, they don't actually have to mark boundaries. It simply makes it easier for Fish and Wildlife employees and sportsmen to stay within, or outside of the property. I've researched this question own my own, and found very little information. Being a Kentucky resident and sportsman, it would make it much easier to avoid problems if it was a requirement. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any laws on the subject. The definition of ';reasonable'; notice is so vague that it is basically useless in this case. KRS (Kentucky Revised Statutes) and KAR (Kentucky Administrative Regulations) have no specifics on the subject that I've been able to find.

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