Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Whats are some good arguments for euthanasia of wildlife?

Invasive species, over population, limiting factors in the environmental setting, and to try and keep the balance in nature that humans have corrupted. I personally think that carefully controlling hunting seasons and skilled hunters are a better choice, which provides meat and hide to a family or a shelter. Hunters have provided more money towards the preservation of habitats that environmentalists per year.Whats are some good arguments for euthanasia of wildlife?
well one of the biggest I can think of, is it controls animal population. So many people get killed in car acidents every year due to deer . As long as there are as many people living on this planet, there will be developing land, where deer and other animals are getting ran out of, I love animals but at some point you have to control there population, they dont take birth control.Whats are some good arguments for euthanasia of wildlife?
there are none for the mass killing of any species. however controlling animal populations is necessary. large populations create food and water shortages to sustain life for large herds. The american Indian preserved the bison population by hunting. since bison are not loners, an infected bison could infect a large herd and they could all die.
okay I am going to get this off my chest ANIMALS ARE NOT OVER POPULATED FOR THE LAST TIME


close your eyes and think of any animal that has babies and they live there for many years and their babies have babies and then people decide to move in and these animals are endangered because for the last few decades they have been hunted and now we decied to build more homes and more malls and buildings and then they have no more land to live on because the only place they lived their whole lives was taken away all because someone wanted to build a home there when there are plenty of houses that sit in the market for years collecting dust. The animals comeback to once was their home and get hit by cars and killed by people because they think they are over populated the cougars we have in the united states is a perfect example of what I just described
I see two good arguments for hunting and population control but they do not address euthanasia. Unless the animal is suffering from man made causes it should not be euthanized.
We wouldn't need it if hunting regulations would be loosened a little
Tht's difficult. What is the situation(s) about?
there are none

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