Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why do we need to drill in ANWR and can it be done without disrupting the wildlife?

To use the analogy of the first responder, if the Alaskan North Slope oil exploration area were Gillette Stadium, ANWR would be a postage stamp. Nobody would notice if we were getting a trickle more oil from there.Why do we need to drill in ANWR and can it be done without disrupting the wildlife?
yes, the caribou will adjust their migration routes as they would if mother nature had altered the terrain. new methods assure safety. Nigeria drill in their country and is able to export oil and benefit their people.

Alaskans are for drilling and most move there for the beauty so i don't think they would be agreeable if they thought it would be anything other than a positive impact.

it would take five years, or more, to actually produce oil and gas. however; the immediate effect would be that speculators would relax and that would lower prices today, right now.Why do we need to drill in ANWR and can it be done without disrupting the wildlife?
There's oil there, and we need to increase the supply to decrease the prices. And the amount of land we'd be using to drill on is extremely small in comparison to the total size of ANWR. It won't affect the wildlife there, primarily because there isn't much to affect. It's a vast wasteland.
Yes, it can be done without affecting the wildlife. Case and point are the populations of caribou already along the Alaskan Pipeline and the exceptional marine life that exists around the oil drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.

The reason for the need to drill are obvious.
Alaska and our coasts have a lot of oil in them. The environmentalist said that the Alaska pipeline would ruin Alaska and kill the wild life. Haven't seen that happen yet.

Fact is that they population of the animals has actually increased. The hang out near the pipeline for the warmth, which means that more can survive each year. There are articles on this.

So yes to your questions.
Thars oil in them thar hills. Wildlife suffer from various things from disease, other wildlife, and weather related events. The idea that this would be so hard on them is a smokescreen.
If ANWR were Gillette Stadium, the area in which they would drill is a postage stamp.

The caribou won't even know they're there.
Because we need the oil! Yes it can be done without very little impact on the environment... it will just hurt Liberal bleeding hearts
';If ANWR were Gillette Stadium, the area in which they would drill is a postage stamp.

The caribou won't even know they're there.';

And that amounts to how much oil?

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